Wednesday 7 September 2011

Exclusive interview with Strikeforce's heavyweight champion Alistair Overeem

Coming off an impressive victory in his return to the States, Alistair Overeem spent some time with this reporter for an exclusive interview. Overeem was excited about all of the support that he received from the fans and he was satisfied with his title defense.

• Were you surprised at all about your quick destruction of Brett Rogers?
No, because you train your a*s off. You hope for the best and prepare for the worst. I trained hard and came into the fight in great shape.

• Why do you think a fight with Fedor Emelianenko hasn't happened yet?
I've been calling for that fight for a year now. I was hoping to fight him at this St Louis event. His management didn't accept the fight. Fedor doesn't care who he fights. I know he'll fight me.

• How do you match up against Fedor Emelianenko?
I will beat him.

• With all this talk about steroids and your muscle gain, do you feel the critics are dismissing your hard work inside and outside of the cage?
You know what, you are right. People dismiss the years of training, the experience and all the hard work. I try not to think about what they say. I know it will blow over. I'm more focused on what needs to be done, my development and training. I keep focused and positive. I like my job. I like my team. I love the fans.

• Do you feel that you silenced those critics with your win over Rogers?
You silence some but over time there will be more. But I feel that I did silence some.

• In a previous interview you mentioned Brock Lesnar as being bigger than you in reference to why people don't associate him with steroids. What is your opinion of Lesnar as a fighter?
He's a great fighter. I enjoy his fights. I like his aggression. He comes to fight. When I was young I used to be a big fan of the WWF. So maybe that's another reason why I like watching him fight.

Here's Alistair's quote about Brock Lesnar, Source Yahoo Sports:

"I feel great. People are just jealous. I don’t see or hear any of these types of accusations towards Brock Lesnar yet he is even bigger than I am. They can test me all they want. I’ll be in the states soon and I will prove everyone wrong."
• Are there any other fighters in Strikeforce that impress you?
Jacare, Mousasi, King Mo, and Melendez

• Can you tell us more about your documentary series "The Reem"?
We originally did a documentary back in 2005 about my experiences. It was well received. This documentary will be in America. It will be online and it will cover actual experiences, fights, and more. You can visit the website at You can also check us out on Youtube at The Reem. There will be a lot of clips backstage before and after fights.

Here's a review of Overeem's 2005/2006 documentary: “Dutchman Alistair Overeem is a free fighter at the highest level. Demolition Men follows him while he prepares for some important fights in Japan. With his two coaches, one for the stand-up training and the other for ground techniques, he carefully studies his opponents on videotape. Together, they devise strategies to break the opponent's technique and tactics. Although the sport isn't very popular in the Netherlands, Japan welcomes free fighters as superstars, and all the major competitions are held there. The highest competition in Alistair's weight class is called "Pride." With his "guillotine choke," he won a series of fights and achieved instant world fame in the free fight scene. Between training sessions and bouts, Alistair readily poses for numerous cameras, usually holding a huge wooden hammer, his personal symbol. Although Alistair claims he isn't really a showman, free fighting isn't only a big-time sport, it's also big-time entertainment. So when his manager asked him to think of a nickname years ago, he immediately came up with “Demolition Man,” an image that the friendly Alistair hits home with his demolition hammer."
• Is there anything that you would like to say to your fans?
The reception has been great, I really love you guys, the American fans ... You are gonna see a lot from me in the future so stay tuned.

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